Call for proposals: Multi-partner Call on Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research
A global strategic approach is needed to reduce greenhouse gases emissions from agriculture. Therefore, Canada, USA, New Zealand and EU partners of the FACCE-JPI are launching a Multi-partner Call on Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research. The call is also open to researchers from Switzerland.
The challenge of reducing greenhouse gases emissions from agriculture requires a cooperation between national research programmes. The aim of the coordinated action is to create greater impetus, approach more researchers and allow for interdisciplinary R&D projects. The international scientific research projects must be performed by research groups from at least three countries participating in the call. Projects will be eligible provided that they are pertinent for Switzerland and fit with the overall goals of National Research Programmes “Sustainable Use of Soil as a Resource” (NRP 68) or “Healthy Nutrition and Sustainable Food Production” (NRP 69).
A maximum of CHF 4 million, to be shared between NRP 68 and NRP 69, is available for projects participating in joint actions of the European JPIs. For this joint action, Switzerland has committed 500’000 Euro in a virtual common pot, which allows funding of up to three projects with Swiss partners. The project duration is two to three years.
For further information please refer to the website of FACCE-JPI. Research groups are kindly requested to contact the programme coordinators (National Contact Points) before submitting the letter of intent.