Key messages of NRP 68
NRP 68 laid the groundwork for the sustainable use of soil in Switzerland. In so doing, it considered both the environmental and economic benefits of soil.
The concept of ecosystem services made it possible to realise the value of soil functions and their contribution to human well-being. The programme comprised 25 research projects carried out between 2013 and 2017. The budget amounted to CHF 13 million. The results are presented in five thematic syntheses and one overall synthesis report.
The key messages are:
Incorporating soil quality into spatial planning
NRP 68 proposes that spatial planning decisions take account of soil quality. Researchers developed soil index points to enable them to quantify soil quality.
Gearing soil management to soil quality
NRP 68 advocates developing agriculture and forestry management systems so that they are adapted to local conditions and geared to soil quality. As part of this, organic matter content should become a key indicator in agricultural policy.
Factoring in the impact of soil on climate
NRP 68 advocates holding a fundamental political discussion on the future use of peatland. In view of the impact of nitrous oxide on the climate, however, it is also important to continue reducing nitrogen input in agriculture.
Closing the gaps in soil mapping
Once the soil data is available, it will be possible to use soil more efficiently in terms of, for example, irrigation, fertiliser use, drinking water production or protection against natural hazards.
Global responsibility for sustainable soil use
Companies and Swiss foreign policy should ensure that soil quality is a consideration.
Making soil policy more coherent
NRP 68 recommends improving coordination at the administrative level, approving the associated federal soil strategy that is currently under discussion, implementing it rapidly and, above all, making decision makers more aware of soil-related issues.
NRP 68 held its final media conference on 17 December 2018. Here you can find the corresponding media coverage (selection, in German and French):
- Radio SRF 1: Tagesgespräch ‘Wie ist der Schweizer Boden noch zu retten?’ /Rendez-vous (inkl. Mittagsjournal) ‘Forschungsprogramm zur Qualität von Schweizer Boden’
- Radio SRF 3: Info 3 Mittag ‘Wissenschaftler schlagen eine digitale Kartierung der Schweizer Böden vor’
- RSI LA 1: Telegiornale 12.30 ‘Bisogna agire per la tutela del suolo svizzero’
- RSI Rete Uno : Radiogiornale 18.30 ‘In Svizzera ci preoccupiamo troppo poco del suolo’
- RTS La 1ère : Journal 12h et Le 12h30 et L'invité du 12.30 ‘La conservation et l'utilisation des sols doit être une priorité en Suisse’
- RTS Un: Le journal 12h45 ‘Programme de recherche "Utilisation durable de la ressource sol"’
- SRF 1: Tagesschau Mittag ‘Der Boden in der Schweiz ist über weite Flächen zubetoniert oder verschmutzt’ / Hauptausgabe ‘In der Schweiz wird schätzungsweise alle paar Sekunden ein Quadratmeter Boden verbaut’
- SRF 1: Tagesschau Hauptausgabe ‘In der Schweiz wird schätzungsweise alle paar Sekunden ein Quadratmeter Boden verbaut’
- SRF 1: 10 vor 10 ‘Der Boden in der Schweiz ist nicht überall gesund, auch dort nicht, wo es besonders darauf ankommt, beim Ackerbau’