Stakeholder-Workshop: Soil Biology – Agridea

Researchers of the key aspect „soil biology“ organise a workshop on micro-organisms and soil fertility.

Start26.11.2015 07:30
End26.11.2015 16:00
VenueUniversity of Neuchâtel
Registration deadline26.11.2015

PNR 68 – Soil biology II: Microorganisms and soil fertility

The aim of the workshop is to present the results of the research projects of the key aspect „soil biology“ and to find pathways to implement the findings in practical applications.

Participants are extension services, farmers and persons interested in soil biology.


Thomas Degen Université de Neuchâtel Tel. 032 718 25 12 External Link Icon

Fabio Mascher Agroscope Changins Tel.  022 363 47 33 External Link Icon

Jacques Dugon AGRIDEA Tel. 021 619 44 90 External Link Icon