Key aspect 2: Soil Biology

The soil is the habitat for a wide range of soil organisms, which are crucial for various soil functions, in particular for soil fertility.

Completed projects

Antibiotic resistance : The role of soil use in antibiotic resistance External Link IconAntibiotic resistance : The role of soil use in antibiotic resistance Dr. Brion Duffy Biological pest control: Fighting harmful soil organisms with nematodes and soil bacteria External Link IconBiological pest control: Fighting harmful soil organisms with nematodes and soil bacteria Prof. Théodor Turlings Mycorrhiza : Restoration of soil functions with the help of arbuscular mycorrhiza External Link IconMycorrhiza : Restoration of soil functions with the help of arbuscular mycorrhiza Prof. Marcel Van der Heijden Nematodes : Use of nematodes in the fight against harmful soil insects External Link IconNematodes : Use of nematodes in the fight against harmful soil insects Prof. Théodoor Turlings Soil bacteria : Healthy soils thanks to soil bacteria External Link IconSoil bacteria : Healthy soils thanks to soil bacteria Dr. Monika Maurhofer Bringolf