FACCE – JPI/BiodivERsA: Synergies and Trade-Offs between Food Supply, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

The projects of the joint call for proposals by FACCE - JPI and the ERA-NET BiodivERsA examine, on the one hand, how biodiversity can better support agro-ecosystems and agricultural production systems in a changing environment. On the other hand, they aim to identify political measures and strategies that can boost the positive effects of biodiversity and ecosystem services within these systems. Five projects involving researchers from Switzerland will be funded:


Approval of eight additional JPI projects Approval of eight additional JPI projects http://www.nfp68.ch/en/News/Pages/150420_news_nrp68_approval_eight_additional_jpi_projects.aspx 4/19/2015 10:00:00 PM

Completed projects

BASIL : Biodiversity in agricultural systems External Link IconBASIL : Biodiversity in agricultural systems http://www.nfp68.ch/en/projects/facce-jpi-synergies-and-trade-offs-between-food-supply-biodiversity-and-ecosystem-services/basil Prof. Roland Olschewski ECO-SERVE : Sustainable provisioning of multiple ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes External Link IconECO-SERVE : Sustainable provisioning of multiple ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes http://www.nfp68.ch/en/projects/facce-jpi-synergies-and-trade-offs-between-food-supply-biodiversity-and-ecosystem-services/eco-serve Dr. Paul Mäder PromESSinG : Promoting ecosystem services in central european vineyards External Link IconPromESSinG : Promoting ecosystem services in central european vineyards http://www.nfp68.ch/en/projects/facce-jpi-synergies-and-trade-offs-between-food-supply-biodiversity-and-ecosystem-services/promessing Dr. Sven Bacher STACCATO : Ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes External Link IconSTACCATO : Ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes http://www.nfp68.ch/en/projects/facce-jpi-synergies-and-trade-offs-between-food-supply-biodiversity-and-ecosystem-services/staccato Prof. Dr. Niklaus Zimmermann TALE: Towards multifunctional agricultural landscapes in Europe External Link IconTALE: Towards multifunctional agricultural landscapes in Europe http://www.nfp68.ch/en/projects/facce-jpi-synergies-and-trade-offs-between-food-supply-biodiversity-and-ecosystem-services/tale Dr. Annelie Holzkämper