Focus |
Four new projects for research phase 2 |
The Swiss National Science Foundation has approved four projects for the second research phase of the National Research Programme "Sustainable Use of Soil as a Resource" (NRP 68). |
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News |
Redesign of NRP 68 website |
The redesigned website presents NRP 68 in its current stage and provides insights into the ongoing research projects. |
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Soil – A Precious Natural Resource: a brochure to mark the «International Year of Soils 2015» |
«Soil – A Precious Natural Resource is a spectacular information brochure with fascinating and artistic images. It was produced by NRP 68 in collaboration with the federal administration. |
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Soil! - a travelling exhibition for the public |
To mark the International Year of Soils 2015, NRP 68 launched the exhibition "Soil!" in collaboration with the Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG), the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), the Federal Office for Spatial Planning (ARE) and the industry partner Syngenta. The exhibition will be on a tour of Switzerland through this year and the next. |
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Swiss photography competition to mark the International Year of Soils 2015 |
Around 700 photographs on the topic of soil were submitted for the photography competition. The winners will be honoured at the closing event of the International Year of Soils in Berne. |
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Events |
3rd Programme Conference of NRP 68
12./13. November 2015, Montreux
This year, the conference will focus on the planned programme synthesis. The concept will be discussed with the researchers involved in order to prepare the ground for work on the synthesis.
Closing event of the International Year of Soils
3 December 2015, Käfigturm Bern
The international day of soils on 5 December marks the end of the International Year of Soils 2015. At an event to be attended by important personages from politics, administration and research, Switzerland will conclude the International Year of Soils.
Publications |
Results of the National Soil Monitoring (NABO) 1985-2009
Gubler A., Schwab P., Wächter D., Meuli R., Keller A. Hg. BAFU 2015
This report publishes the results of all five monitoring projects. The focus is on how heavy metal pollution as well as the levels of organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium changed over time.
Soil perceptions - "You have to delve into the topic"
Interview of Paul Knüsel with Urs Steiger, Head of Knowledge Transfer of NRP 68. TEC21 41/2015
The wider public remains unaware of the threat to soils, despite the efforts in relation to the UN International Year of Soils. But Urs Steiger, Head of Knowledge Transfer of NRP 68, does not want to arouse interest by being alarmist.
Soil protection "Point system to combat land use"
Lucie Greiner, Armin Keller. TEC21 41/2015
Valuable land is often lost because the ecological functions of the soil are not recog-nised. Researchers and the authorities are trying to define methods that will better protect the soil.
Soil biology meets plant producers
Marie Fesselet, Sandrine Gouinguéné, Jacques Dugon und Fabio Mascher. Agrarfor-schung Schweiz. (2015), 6(10), 470-473
On 23 January 2014, a soil biology workshop of NRP 68 took place at the University of Neuchâtel. Participants were introduced to the topics of NRP 68 soil biology projects and were able to discuss their expectations and needs. The article summarises the debate and presents the strategies and outlooks elaborated at the workshop.
Traditional and molecular detection methods reveal intense interguild competition and other multitrophic interactions associated with native entomopathogenic nematodes in Swiss tillage soils
Raquel Campos-Herrera, Geoffrey Jaffuel, Xavier Chiriboga, Rubén Blanco-Pérez, Marie Fesselet, Vladimír Půža, Fabio Mascher, Ted C. J. Turlings. Plant and Soil April 2015, Volume 389, Issue 1-2, pp 237-255