Newsletter NRP 68 – December 2017
Intensive exchange of information using Syntegration®
40 participants identified five key recommendations and six active levers for a sustainable use of soil as a resource. And NRP 68 gained a sound basis for defining the structure of the overall synthesis.
"Soil maps" project completed
Maps of soil properties and functions have been created in three study areas with the help of digital soil mapping.
"Carbon input" project completed
Carbon input via roots and rhizodeposition in the soil is the most important source of carbon for building soil organic matter on agricultural land.
Short film about the workshop "Biological pest control in the soil"
To disseminate and discuss the research results, researchers from NRP 68 met with partners from agriculture and advisory services on 22 November 2017. The short film shows the most important findings and gives an impression of the intensity of the exchange.
Bettina Hitzfeld to represent FOEN
As Roland von Arx has retired, Bettina Hitzfeld, Head of the Soil and Biotechnology Department, will from December 2017 be representing the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) on the NRP 68 Steering Committee. NRP 68 would like to thank Roland von Arx for his contribution. Bettina Hitzfeld is very familiar with the programme's research. For example, she took part in Syntegration (see Focus).
   5. Agroscope Sustainability Conference

18.01.2018, Agroscope Reckenholz

Presentation of important results from NRP 68.

   Swiss Forum on Conservation Biology SWIFCOB 18

08.02.2017, UniS Bern

The ecosystem services as a basis for spatial and landscape planning are discussed.

   All Events
   Methods for quantifying the contributions of soils to ecosystem services

Better integration of soil as a resource in assessments of ecosystem services.

   Soil-less crop production - a sustainable option for soil conservation?

Consider all options for sustainable agriculture.

   Mapping soil properties in Switzerland

Take advantage of the multitude of co-variates and avoid problems of auto-correlation and model over fitting.

   Imaging spectroscopy data in support of digital soil mapping

Remote sensing has the potential to provide support for digital soil mapping.

   Evaluation of digital soil mapping approaches

A versatile DSM model building strategy faces the challenge to deal with large covariate sets.

   Overestimation of crop root biomass

Extraneous organic matter may result in severe overestimation of root biomass.

   Proper estimate of residue input

Inclusion of root-derived C when studying long-term persistence of soil organic carbon.

   Swiss Soils – Status Report (German)
   Swiss Soils – Status Report (French)
   Magazine "environment" - On precious ground (German)
   Magazine "environment" - On precious ground (French)
   All Publications
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