NRP 68 "Soil as a Resource": work starts on programme synthesis
Over the next two years, the results generated in the NRP 68 projects will be brought together in five thematic and one overall synthesis. A focus will be on the ecosystem services provided by the soil and tools and strategies for a sustainable use of soil as a resource will be developed in the process.
The first 19 projects of NRP 68 have been completed or will be ending soon. Short summaries and executive stakeholder summaries for the projects are now available.
By nature, Swiss soils contain various antibiotic resistance genes. However, these genes are neither clinically relevant nor are they found in great numbers.
The study published by the "Soil bacteria" project shows that certain group strains of the genus Pseudomonas exhibit from lethal to avirulent activity towards lepidopteran larvae.
The study by the "Nematodes" project shows that entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) are rare. Their prevalence is not affected by the farming system. The authors recommend increasing the use of EPNs.
The study by the project "Land grabbing" investigates how the biofuel agro-industry is reinterpreting and potentially transforming customary arrangements in rural Sierra Leone.
A collection of bibliometric information from NRP 68 in the P3 database of the SNSF. The project leaders are the sole guarantors for the completeness and accuracy of this data.