Focus |
The five thematic synthesis reports are now also available in French |
The French version of the five thematic synthesis reports of NRP 68 are now available online; printed copies will be available during the month of October. The reports offer an overview of the scientific results after five years of research and synthesis work. |
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News |
Qualitative soil protection requires soil information, spatial planning requires practical tools |
Soil information is a prerequisite if soil quality is to be considered in spatial-planning decisions. NRP 68 shows how other countries deal with soil information and how soil quality could be taken into account using soil indicators. |
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Findings with practical relevance |
Detailed understanding of land use facilitates the adoption of targeted measures. One promising approach to sustainable soil management is biological pest control. The agricultural land market is functioning but does not necessarily lead to the sustainable use of soil as a resource. |
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Events |
Publications |
Assessment of soil multi-functionality
Static soil function assessment for 10 soil functions to discuss four approaches to aggregate soil function maps into an overall soil quality indicator.
Soil quality indicators
Comparison of two soil quality indices that are designed for spatial planning. Soil quality index based on soil functions and ecosystem services emphasises multi-functionality of soils.