Newsletter NRP 68 – April 2017
Advisory groups discuss thematic syntheses
At the invitation of the SNSF, representatives from stakeholder groups of NRP 68 give feedback on the drafts of the thematic syntheses.
Conclusion of the project "Decision-making platform"
Soil protection is improved when municipalities cooperate and spatial planners take ecosystem services into account.
Conclusion of the project "Peatlands"
It is impossible to manage peatlands sustainably and profitably while maintaining their role as carbon sinks.
Conclusion of the project "Soil compaction"
The regeneration of compacted soil is a slow process. This shows the long-term field trial "Soil Structure Observatory".
Conclusion of FACCE project "MAGGnet – Greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture"
Most long-term field trials indicate that carbon in the soil decreases as a result of arable farming.
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   Amount and stability of recent and aged plant residues in degrading peatland soils

Publication of the "Peatlands" project: growing Miscanthus cannot balance out the loss of carbon in farmed peatlands.

   Artificial macropores attract crop roots and enhance plant productivity on compacted soils

Publication of the "Soil compaction" project: roots grow in artificial macropores. This can improve yields and regenerate soil functions.

   Soil Penetration by Earthworms and Plant Roots—Mechanical Energetics of Bioturbation of Compacted Soils

Article of the "Soil compaction" project: roots exert greater pressure than earthworms but they move more slowly.

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